Asta: 385 / Rare Books del 21 novembre 2011 ad Amburgo Lot 1517

Keith Haring - Keith Haring 1983.

Keith Haring
Keith Haring 1983.
€ 300 / $ 330
€ 600 / $ 660

( commissione inclusa)
Haring. - Keith Haring. Mit 29 lithographierten Tafeln. Neapel, Amelio Juni 1983. OLwd. mit Deckelvignette. Folio.

1 von 300 Exemplaren. - Druck der Lithographien bei Buona Stampa di Ercolano. - "Keith Haring's Naples drawings, with their mixture of sexual, political and social commentary, thus embrace a tradition far older the colorful vogue of the subway artist. Despite the allusions to modern technology, these images seem drawn from some ancient of 'the universal connection' that Haring perceives in folk art. The eerily hermaphrodite mother, the sinister dogheaded man, the twining sepents and winged penises all have antecedents in so-called primitive cultures. But they have been given a fresh, contemporay context whose engaged humanism is hard to ignore. So, too, is their exultance in the act of creation-in the very glide of a pen across paper." (Galloway)

Keith Haring
Keith Haring 1983.
€ 300 / $ 330
€ 600 / $ 660

( commissione inclusa)