Asta: 548 / Contemporary Art Day Sale del 08 dicembre 2023 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 105

Willi Baumeister
Ländliche Komposition (Violettes Bild), 1948.
Oil, synthetic resin and filler on fiberboard
€ 50,000 / $ 55,000
€ 50,800 / $ 55,880

( commissione inclusa)
Ländliche Komposition (Violettes Bild). 1948.
Oil, synthetic resin and filler on fiberboard.
Signed, dated "Nov 48" and barely legible inscribed on the reverse. 53.7 x 64.6 cm (21.1 x 25.4 in).
Mentioned as "Ländliche Komposition" in the older catalogue raisonné (Grohmann, 1963), while Baumeister called it "Violettes Bild" in his own collection index.
Up until February 4 2024, the Museum Gunzenhauser in Chemnitz shows the comprehensive exhibition "Das Kreative geht dem Unbekannten entgegen. Willi Baumeister und sein Netzwerk". [CH].
• From the heyday of Baumeister's important series "Metaphysical Landscapes" (1944-1954), which is considered the pinnacle of Baumeister's artistic oeuvre of the post-war era.
• Part of a southern German private collection for almost 45 years.
• In these works, the artist created a symbiosis of landscape and abstract formal elements.
• By using synthetic resin and putty, Baumeister achieved an impressive haptic surface effect that emphasizes the prehistoric character of his seemingly archaic repertoire of forms.
• Baumeister exhibited his work at the XXIV Venice Biennale in the year it was made.
• Comparable paintings from this series are in important public collections like the Centre Pompidou in Paris, the Hamburger Kunsthalle and the Städel in Frankfurt am Main

PROVENANCE: Woldemar Klein Collection, Baden-Baden (with a note on the reverse).
Private collection.
Galerie Wolfgang Ketterer, Munich.
Private collection.
Roman Norbert Ketterer, Campione d'Italia.
Private collection Frankfurt a. Main.
Galerie Pels-Leusden, Berlin.
Private collection Süouthern Germany (acquired from the above in 1980).

LITERATURE: Peter Beye/Felicitas Baumeister, Willi Baumeister. Catalogue raisonné of paintings, vol. II, Ostfildern 2002, p. 553, no. 1412 (black-and-white illu.).
Will Grohmann, Willi Baumeister. Leben und Werk, Cologne 1963, no. 1023.

Hauswedell & Nolte, Hamburg, 214th auction, June 2 - 4, 1976, lot 76 (illu.).
Galerie Wolfgang Ketterer, Munich, 36th auction, November 26 - 28, 1979, lot 136 (color illu.).

"The 'Metaphysical Landscapes' mark the apex of the development of the 1940s [..]."
Peter Beye, cited in: Beye/Baumeister, Willi Baumeister. Werkkatalog der Gemälde, vol. I, p. 18.

Willi Baumeister
Ländliche Komposition (Violettes Bild), 1948.
Oil, synthetic resin and filler on fiberboard
€ 50,000 / $ 55,000
€ 50,800 / $ 55,880

( commissione inclusa)