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Bernardus Caesius
Mineralogia, sive naturalis philosophiae thesauri, 1636.
€ 1,500 / $ 1,650
€ 1,750 / $ 1,925

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Bernardus Caesius
Mineralogia, sive naturalis philosophiae thesauri, in quibus metallicae concretionis medicatorumque fossilium miracula, terrarum pretium, colorum & pigmentorum apparatus, concretorum succorum virtus, lapidum atque gemmarum dignitas continentur. Lyon, J. und P. Prost 1636.

Hauptwerk des Jesuiten Bernard Cesi (um 1581-1630), in dem erstmals der Begriff Mineralogie gebraucht wird.

"The Mineralogia is a large compilation of mineralogical knowledge, with much on paleontological specimens as then known, and also on gemstones .. Apparently he is the first author to employ the term mineralogy " (Sinkankas). - "Chiefly valuable as a storehouse of all that was known on the subject to della Porta, including copious references to the ancient writers and the church fathers. It contains also much of chemical interest .. Of special interest is a chapter on the Magnet .. Another chapter treats of the philosopher's stone." (Sotheran) - Einer von zwei Drucken, vorliegend mit Widmung an Carolus de Neufville.

EINBAND: Zeitgenössischer Pergamentband mit Rückenschild. 37,5 : 23 cm. - ILLUSTRATION: Mit gestochener Titelvignette. - KOLLATION: 8 Bll., 626 S., 35 Bll. - ZUSTAND: Meist gebräunt und etw. stockfleckig, Vorsätze erneuert, sonst gutes Exemplar. - PROVENIENZ: Titel verso mit Besitzeintrag des Klosters Cosmae et Damiani in Mailand, dat. 1689.

LITERATUR: Sinkankas 1221. - Dt. Museum, Libri Rari S. 67. - Poggendorff I, 413. - Thorndike VII, 254ff. - Wellcome I, 1190 a. - Sotheran, 1st Suppl. 4733-34. - Hoover 214.

First edition, second printing. With engr. title vignette. Contemp. vellum with label on spine (endpapers renewed). - Browned and somewhat foxed, else good copy. (R)

Bernardus Caesius
Mineralogia, sive naturalis philosophiae thesauri, 1636.
€ 1,500 / $ 1,650
€ 1,750 / $ 1,925

( commissione inclusa)