Asta: 523 / Art of the 19th Century del 11 dicembre 2021 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 359

Franz von Stuck
Tänzerin, 1898.
Bronze with black-brown patina
€ 15,000 / $ 16,500
€ 23,750 / $ 26,125

( commissione inclusa)
Tänzerin. 1898.
Bronze with black-brown patina.
Inscribed "Franz von Stuck" on front of base. With the foundry mark Guss C. Leyrer München" on rear of the base. 63 x 24 x 34 cm (24.8 x 9.4 x 13.3 in).
Cast after 1906 (Stuck was ennobled in 1906).
• Dynamic sculpture from the time of his marrage with his former model Mary
• Characteristic combination of ancient model and a modern Art Nouveau style
• Inspired by the famous Fin de Siècle dance Loïe Fuller

PROVENANCE: Private collection North Rhine-Westphalia.

EXHIBITION: München 1869-1958, Aufbruch zur modernen Kunst, Munich, 1958, cat. no. 977 (different copy).
Franz von Stuck, Werk - Persönlichkeit - Wirkung, Museum Stuck-Villa, Munich, 1968, cat. no. 7 (a cast from after 1906 was on display).
Franz von Stuck, Gemälde-Zeichnungen-Plastik aus Privatbesitz, Galerie der Stadt Aschaffenburg/Augustinermuseum Freiburg/Städtische Galerie Rosenheim, 1994, cat. no. 71 (with illu., different copy).
A passi di danza. Isadora Duncan e le arti figurative in Italia tra Ottocento e avanguardia, Museo Bardini e Galleria Corsi, Florence, April 13v - September 22, 2019, p. 117, no. 11 (with illu., different copy).

LITERATURE: Otto Julius Bierbaum, Stuck, Künstler Monographien, Bielefeld/Leipzig 1899 (illu. 145 and 146, different copy).
Thomas Raff, "Die Kraft des Mannes und die weiche Schmiegsamkeit des Weibes": Franz von Stuck: Das plastische Werk, ex. cat. Franz von Stuck Geburtshaus Tettenweis 2011, pp. 48-52 (with illu., different copy).

Franz von Stuck
Tänzerin, 1898.
Bronze with black-brown patina
€ 15,000 / $ 16,500
€ 23,750 / $ 26,125

( commissione inclusa)