Asta: 512 / Modern Art II del 12 dicembre 2020 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 450

Thomas Ring
Ohne Titel (Konstruktiv-geometrische Komposition), 1923.
Watercolor and India ink over pencil
€ 8,000 / $ 8,800
€ 27,500 / $ 30,250

( commissione inclusa)
Ohne Titel (Konstruktiv-geometrische Komposition). 1923.
Watercolor and India ink over pencil.
Skiebe A 35. Monogrammed and dated in lower left. On smooth wove paper (with blindstamp "Schutzmarke Hafried"). 63.5 x 49 cm (25 x 19.2 in), size of sheet. [EH].

• Between 1916 and 1929 Thomas Ring was one of the artists of Herwarth Walden's "Der Sturm" gallery.
• The colored compositions of the 1920s are among the artist's most sought-after works on the auction market.
• This work from 1923 is part of his abstract-figurative phase

PROVENANCE: From the artist's estate (1983).
Galerie Nikolaus Fischer, Frankfurt.
Private collection Hesse.

EXHIBITION: Retrospektive Thomas Ring, Städtische Galerie, Bietigheim-Bissingen, September 18 -November 14, 1993; Museum der Stadt Ettlingen, November 28, 1993 - January 2, 1994, cat. no. 62, illu. on p. 45 and with illu. on the catalog's cover.
Galerie Nikolaus Fischer, Frankfurt am Main, spring 2001, with illu. on invitation card.

LITERATURE: Günter Eisenhut, Christa Steinle (editor): Moderne in dunkler Zeit. Widerstand, Verfolgung und Exil steirischer Künstlerinnen und Künstler 1933-1945, Neue Galerie, Graz, March 23 - 1August 5, 2001, with illu.
Ingrid Skiebe, Thomas Ring: Ein Künstler im Berlin der 1920er Jahre, Weltkunst April 2002, issue 4,pp. 556-558 and illu. 5.
Thomas Ring, Astrologische Menschenkunde - Kombinationslehre, Chiron Verlag, Tübingen 2003, with illu. on the catalog's cover.

Thomas Ring
Ohne Titel (Konstruktiv-geometrische Komposition), 1923.
Watercolor and India ink over pencil
€ 8,000 / $ 8,800
€ 27,500 / $ 30,250

( commissione inclusa)