Asta: 484 / Art of the 19th Century del 24 maggio 2019 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 60

Karl Hagemeister
Kemnitzer Heide, 1893.
Olio su tela
€ 25,000 / $ 27,500
€ 46,250 / $ 50,875

( commissione inclusa)
Kemnitzer Heide. 1893.
Oil on canvas.
Warmt G 281. Lower right signed and dated. Verso of stretcher with various hand-written numbers and inscriptions, as well as with an old ownership label. 73.5 x 119.5 cm (28.9 x 47 in).
Work from the decisive period in which Hagemeister attained his impressionist concept of nature.

We are grateful to Dr. Hendrikje Warmt, Karl Hagemeister Archive & Catalog Raisonneé Berlin, for her kind expert advice.

PROVENANCE: Moderne Gemälde aus dem Nachlass A. W. von Heymel, Sammlung M. Pickenpack u. A.; Kunstsalon Paul Cassirer Berlin and Hugo Helbing Munich, auction on March 8, 1917, no. 43, with illu.
Adolf Sulzberger, Berlin (acquired from aforementioned).
Moderne Gemälde, the Collection Albrecht Guttmann and Estate of a Berlin collector, Kunstsalon Paul Cassirer, Berlin, auction from May 15 to 17, 1917, no. 18 ("Heidelandschaft [Heidekrautbüsche, im Hintergrund ein See, bewölkter Himmel] 74 x 116 cm", no illu.; presumably from aforementioned collection).
Karl Ernst Henrici Berlin, Oelgemälde und Handzeichnungen des 19. Jahrhunderts: Auction: October 26 and 27, 1917, no. 64 (acquired from aforementioned).
Karrenbauer Auctions, Konstanz 2003 (according to Warmt).
Potsdam Kunstsalon at Villa Mendelssohn, Postdam.
Private collection Brandenburg (acquired from aforementioned in 2009).

EXHIBITION: Moderne Gemälde aus dem Nachlass A. W. von Heymel, Sammlung M. Pickenpack u. A.; Kunstsalon Paul Cassirer Berlin and Hugo Helbing Munich, exhibition from March 4 to 7, 1917, no. 43, with illu.

"When I go out into nature, even if just to a spot that I know very well, I am not able to sit down and paint right away. I have to allow the surrounding nature to sink in, I have to soak up the atmosphere around me. Once I have absorbed its key tone, I can render it on the canvas as dominant color chord. This grounding remains the dominant the picture is build on." (Quote from: Karl Hagemeister, in: Hendrikje Warmt, Hagemeister, Berlin 2016, p. 29)

Karl Hagemeister
Kemnitzer Heide, 1893.
Olio su tela
€ 25,000 / $ 27,500
€ 46,250 / $ 50,875

( commissione inclusa)