Asta: 461 / Post War I del 09 dicembre 2017 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 860

Tschang-Yeul Kim
Tropfen, Wohl 1974.
Oil on burlap
€ 18,000 / $ 19,800
€ 63,750 / $ 70,125

( commissione inclusa)
Tropfen. Wohl 1974.
Oil on burlap.
Lower rigth signed. With the artist's name (by a hand other than that of the artist ?) and with the inscription "Nr. 123" on verso of the stretcher. 100 x 100 cm (39.3 x 39.3 in).

PROVENANCE: Collection Ellen Sauter, Badenweiler.

"Water drops have always been the way they are, but it's the background they transform. With water drops as the unique medium, I may see through the surface."
Kim Tschang-Yeul (, as at November 2, 2017)

Tschang-Yeul Kim is one of the most distinguished South Korean artists. In 1961 he particiapted in the Paris Biennial and in the Sao Paolo Biennial in 1965. As early as in the late 1960s he began using opaque liquid forms for his compositions. By the mid 1970s he had developed the 'Water-drops'. To him it is not about a photo-realistic representation, instead he analyzes the waterdrops' perceptible characteristics in a philosophical sense. This way he includes the universal concept of nature in East Asian philosophy into his art.

Tschang-Yeul Kim
Tropfen, Wohl 1974.
Oil on burlap
€ 18,000 / $ 19,800
€ 63,750 / $ 70,125

( commissione inclusa)