Asta: 459 / Modern Art I del 09 dicembre 2017 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 617

Alexej von Jawlensky
Grosses Stillleben: Grüner Krug mit Pfingstrosen (Dunkles Rosenbouquet), 1937.
Olio su tela
€ 40,000 / $ 44,000
€ 110,000 / $ 121,000

( commissione inclusa)
Grosses Stillleben: Grüner Krug mit Pfingstrosen (Dunkles Rosenbouquet). 1937.
Oil on canvas laid on board and mounted on a wooden panel.
Weiler 786; Jawlensky/Pieroni-Jawlensky 2201. Lower left signed and dated. 48.5 x 38 cm (19 x 14.9 in). Panel 52 x 42 cm ( 20,5 x 16,5 in).
Inscribed "A. Jawlensky Spt. Stilb. Nr.8/1937 'DKl. Rosenbouquet', 49,6 x 38,6 Leinwand auf Karton u.l.s. u. d." on rear of the panel by the artist's son. [KD].
Large-size work by Alexej v. Jawlensky, the reduced coloring emphasizes the quest for inner deepness.

PROVENANCE: From the artist's estate.
Andreas Jawlensky.
Galerie Alex Vömel, Düsseldorf (1971).
Hauswedell und Nolte, 3/5 June 1971, lot 934.
W.Ketterer, 28 May 1973, lot 974.
Galerie Norbert Blaeser, Düsseldorf.
Private collection Rhineland .

EXHIBITION: Maîtres de l'art moderne. Galerie Beyeler Basel, October - November 1957, no. 80
Alexej von Jawlensky. Mostra antolociga. Pinacoteca Comunale, 2 September - 12 November 1989 (mentioned on a shipping label on verso of the panel, as well as with a label on verso of the frame) and Kunsthalle Emden. Foundation Henry Nannen, 3rd December 1989 - 4 February 1990, cat. no. 113 with color illu. on p. 205.

LITERATURE: Clemens Weiler, Köpfe, Gesichte, Meditationen, Hanau 1970 Catalog raisonné no. 1457.
"In my last works I subducted the colors' magic appeal, in order to focus on spiritual deepness."
Alexej v. Jawlenksy, quote after C. Weiler, Köpfe, Gesichte, Meditationen. Hanau 1970, unpaginated (p. 92).

Between working on his ‘Meditations‘, which he was almost exclusively occupied with in the last years of his life, Jawlensky also made flower still lifes that are often characterized by a gripping freshness of intention. However, in some of the works from this genre Jawlensky also attained a meditative painting. In a note he describes his process of creation as follows: "In my last works I reduced the magic of the colors in order to reach more spiritual depth". (C. Weiler, Köpfe, Gesichte, Meditationen. Hanau 1970, unpaginated (p. 92)) Jawlensky strives for more spiritual immersion in his works, which he attains in this painting by means of a color reduction. The flowers seem to emerge from the dark background as if they were to deliver a secret message. Jawlensky‘s turn to the dark and mystical is not only restricted to the ‘Meditations‘. It is an introspective world that Jawlensky visualizes in these works, their fascination is absolutely in line with the bold works from his early days.

Alexej von Jawlensky
Grosses Stillleben: Grüner Krug mit Pfingstrosen (Dunkles Rosenbouquet), 1937.
Olio su tela
€ 40,000 / $ 44,000
€ 110,000 / $ 121,000

( commissione inclusa)