Asta: 437 / Post War I del 10 dicembre 2016 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 841

Rupprecht Geiger
388/62, 1962.
Olio su tela
€ 60,000 / $ 66,000
€ 81,250 / $ 89,375

( commissione inclusa)
388/62. 1962.
Oil on canvas.
Dornacher/Geiger 358. Verso signed. With work number on stretcher. 126 x 106.5 cm (49.6 x 41.9 in).

PROVENANCE: Private collection Southern Germany.

EXHIBITION: Rupprecht Geiger, Seiji Togo art museum, Tokyo.

"I think there is something irrational about the color. Some effect that reason cannot grasp. It can change its character through extraneous causes and modified conditions. It can emit light and reflect light that comes out of darkness and appears in increased function through the medium of color." (Quote after: Rupprecht Geiger, Rot Form. Bilder, Ex. cat. Kunstverein Brunswick 1989, pp. 27f.). Rupprecht Geiger dedicated all his artistic creation to color as a means of artistic expression, form is reduced to a few geometric elements like rectangles and circles. His choice of colors is also limited to two nuances in most cases, subtly graded within the color fields they stand in opposition to each other and create a fascinating color blaze.

Rupprecht Geiger
388/62, 1962.
Olio su tela
€ 60,000 / $ 66,000
€ 81,250 / $ 89,375

( commissione inclusa)