Asta: 402 / Old Masters and Art of the 19th Century del 14 maggio 2013 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 656

Hans Andersen Brendekilde
Bauernhaus mit Blumenwiese, 1909.
Olio su tela
€ 10,000 / $ 11,000
€ 13,750 / $ 15,125

( commissione inclusa)
Bauernhaus mit Blumenwiese. 1909.
Oil on canvas.
Sigend and dated lower right. 48 x 70 cm (18,8 x 27,5 in).

PROVENANCE: Private collection Luxemburg.

Comparable with the painting "Der angelnde Junge" Brendekilde also depicts a rural scene in "Bauernhaus mit Blumenwiese", which is devoid of any socio-critical notions. Only a few years later he would also illustrate the hardships of rural life. In this work, however, he shows an idyll that idealizes rural life and omits the hard physical labor. The observer looks across a clover field in bloom with red poppy, viola, marguerite and cornflower onto a white thatched farmstead. Brendekilde‘s style still follows that of Impressionism. Details such as leaves and blossoms are not worked out any longer, they are merely hinted at with swift strokes of the brush. Depictions of Danish country life make Brendekilde an internationally acknowledged artist. His work were on display while he was still alive. [CB].

Hans Andersen Brendekilde
Bauernhaus mit Blumenwiese, 1909.
Olio su tela
€ 10,000 / $ 11,000
€ 13,750 / $ 15,125

( commissione inclusa)