Asta: 391 / Rare Books del 21 maggio 2012 ad Amburgo Lot 101

Richard Ziegler - Biblische Bilder. 8 Blatt Federzeichnungen. 1928.

Richard Ziegler
Biblische Bilder. 8 Blatt Federzeichnungen. 1928.
€ 1,000 / $ 1,100
€ 1,020 / $ 1,122

( commissione inclusa)
Biblische Weiber. - Ziegler, R., Series of 8 signed orig. feather drawings . [Berlin 1928]. Orig wrappers of laid paper with front board emblem by artist (block book binding). Folio.

Dynamic-strong drawings with preliminary drawings in carpenter's pen: an ode to femininity. - The "biblischen Weiber" (Biblical Women) are glamorous, sophisticated, archaic and compelling, how Ziegler depicted them in sprawling pose, throning high above the observer or in powerful groups of three. The swiftly sketched underdrawings are particularly charming, how they both outline the feather contour and fill them with planar structure. Almost all motifs with captions. - 1 l. with waterstain in upper margin. Rear board with waterstains in places.

Richard Ziegler
Biblische Bilder. 8 Blatt Federzeichnungen. 1928.
€ 1,000 / $ 1,100
€ 1,020 / $ 1,122

( commissione inclusa)