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Marsilius von Padua - Ain Kurtzer Auszug. 1545.

Marsilius von Padua
Ain Kurtzer Auszug. 1545.
€ 1,200 / $ 1,320
€ 1,320 / $ 1,452

( commissione inclusa)
Marsilius von Padua, Ain Kurtzer Auszug des treffenlichen Wercks und Fridschirmbuechs. Darin(n) der Kayser und Baebste gewalt 'nit on sondere frucht der Theologen, Rechtgelerten, und aller anderer guthertzigen Christen' verstendigklich gehandelt wirdt .. Durch M. M. Mueller von Westendorff vermoeg der Vorred, aufs getreulichst verteutscht und zesamen gericht. With broad figurative woodcut title border and small woodcut printer's device at the end. Neuburg, H. Kilian 1545. Somewhat later limp vellum with gilt monogram "H V H V S" and date 1602. Folio. 12 unnumb., 70 Roman numb. ll.

VD 16, M 1134. - Benzing pp. 342f. - Graesse IV, 418. - Not in BM STC and in Adams. - - First German edition of this writing which is remarkable both in terms of content and typography. The work comes from the first printshop in Neuburg on the Danube, which was founded with the support of the count palatine Ottheinrich in 1544. Ottheinrich influenced printing of this German edition of the famous Defensor pacis so much that it was dedicated to him. Preface printed in the typographically interesting so-called 'Schnörkelschrift' (embellishment type). - The political philosopher and politician Marsilius of Padua (between 1275-90 and 1342/43) answered with his 'Verteidiger des Friedens' (Defender of Peace) to Dante's work 'Monarchia' , in which he favored a global empire. Marsilius speaks against the pope's reign. - The printshop of Hans Kilian was in existence between 1544 and 57, however, because of the Schmalkaldic War it was active for 3 years only, so that merely 22 prints were made in this time, all can be considered rare. - The nice figurative -heraldic title border in lower third with broad coat of arms with standing lions, with armed king and pope at sides. Upper border with risen Christ and Christ with Pontius Pilate as well as scene of Last Supper. - With waterstains toward the end, with marginalia and underscores by an old hand, marginal embellishments of preface cropped close in places. Vellum somewhat wavy and bowed, clasps partly removed. From a noble library: crowned stamp of Burgrave Dohna.

First German edition of one of the forerunners of modern political literature. With fig. woodcut title border and woodcut printer's device at end. Early 17the cent. vellum. - Partly waterstained, here and there with marginalia and underscorings by old hand, some leaves in the preface cropped close. From the library of burgrave of Dohna.

Marsilius von Padua
Ain Kurtzer Auszug. 1545.
€ 1,200 / $ 1,320
€ 1,320 / $ 1,452

( commissione inclusa)