Asta: 383 / Modern Art del 28 ottobre 2011 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 350

Max Schwimmer - Selbstportrait als "armer Lazarus"

Max Schwimmer
Selbstportrait als "armer Lazarus", 1912.
Brush and India ink drawing
€ 350 / $ 385
€ 350 / $ 385

( commissione inclusa)
Brush and India ink drawing
With a greeting text addresed to Wilibald Kühn (painter and teacher) on verso, asking him for a visit and some help. On a blank postcard. 14 x 9 cm (5,5 x 3,5 in), size of sheet
Dated and inscribed on mail stamp "Leipzig-Lindenau 5.8.1912". "Lazarus" in this case is an allegory for a poor person in need (Gospel of Luke, 16,19-31). [DB].

Max Schwimmer
Selbstportrait als "armer Lazarus", 1912.
Brush and India ink drawing
€ 350 / $ 385
€ 350 / $ 385

( commissione inclusa)