Asta: 366 / Rare Books including Marine Art del 17/18. maggio 2010 ad Amburgo Lot 84

Berlin - Berliner Original Bilderbuch, 2 Bde.

Berliner Original Bilderbuch, 2 Bde., 1831.
€ 1,200 / $ 1,320
€ 1,320 / $ 1,452

( commissione inclusa)
Berlin. - Berliner Original Bilderbuch, ein angenehmes und nützliches Geschenk für artige Knaben und Mädchen. Issues I and II (all released). Series of 2 engr. titles and 37 (22 colored) lithogr. plats by Th. Hosemann (16) and Heinr. Mützel (2) et al. Berlin, Winckelmann no date [1831-32]. Orig. boards with label and late half cloth. Oblong 4to.Wegehaupt III, 264 und 265. - Brunken/Hurrelmann/Pech 69. - Krieg, MNE addendum p. 23 (only issue I). - First edition, rare. - Children's book with appealing illustrations, some of which were made by the famous illustrator and caricaturist Th., Hosemann (1807-75). - "The first issue shows six illustrations on each plate: genre scenes, everyday duties and pleasures, work in the countryside and around the house (only female duties in an urban bourgeois setting), craftsmen, buildings and carriages. Some illustrations with additional explanatory captions. In the second issue the plates are divided into four equally-sized sections, showing scenes from the life of children, animals, ships, carriages, hunting, carnival and market scenes" (abbr. transl from Brunken). - Size of issue I: 32,5 : 20 cm. - size of issue II: 28,5 : 18,5 cm. - In issue I pastedown as well as first and last l. slightly foxed, all plates of issue II laid on strong paper, somewhat stained and browned, with offsetting on rear of plates, 4 plates with longer split (affecting image). Boards binding rubbed. - Fine children's book collection in an overall good condition.First edition, scarce. Series of 2 engr. titels and 37 (22 col.) lithogr. plates, by Th. Hosemann (16) and Heinr. Mützel (2) et al. Orig. card board with label on front cover and later half cloth. - Issue I: Pastedowns, first and last leaf foxed; issue II: all plates mounted on firm paper, slightly stained and browned, partly with reserved impressions on plates verso, 4 plates with longer tear (affecting the printed matter). Card board rubbed.

Berliner Original Bilderbuch, 2 Bde., 1831.
€ 1,200 / $ 1,320
€ 1,320 / $ 1,452

( commissione inclusa)