Asta: 301 / Rare Books del 22/23. maggio 2006 Lot 147

Antonio Larzzaro Moro - De

Antonio Larzzaro Moro
De' Crostacei, 1740.
€ 1,000 / $ 1,100
€ 1,547 / $ 1,701

( commissione inclusa)
Moro, A. L., De crostacei e degli altri marini corpi che si truovano su' monti. Libri due. Mit gest. Titelvignette, gest. Wappen, gest. Initiale und 8 gefalt. Kupfertafeln. Venedig, S. Monti 1740. Pgt. d. Zt. 4to. 8 Bll. (d. e. w.), 452 S.
DSB IX, 531ff. (ausführl.) - Brunet III, 1419. - Poggendorff I, 210. - Sehr seltene erste Ausgabe des bedeutenden geologischen Werkes. "Provoked vehement reactions among European scientists, polarizing them into neptunists and plutonists ... The modernity of Moro's views, the broad scope of knowledge that he brought to his investigations, and the breadth of the scientific fields that he examined and illuminated place him at the center of the intense intellectual activity of Italy's 'second Renaissance'." (DSB) - Sehr schönes, breitrandiges Exemplar.First edition. Of high importance for the developement of geology (cf. in detail DSB). With engr. titlevignette, engr. coat-of-arms, engr. initial and 8 folding copperplates. Contemp. vellum. - Very fine copy with broad margins.

Antonio Larzzaro Moro
De' Crostacei, 1740.
€ 1,000 / $ 1,100
€ 1,547 / $ 1,701

( commissione inclusa)