Asta: 397 / Rare Books del 19/20. novembre 2012 ad Amburgo Lot 17

Aldus-Drucke - Poetae christiani veteres. 1501-1504. 3 Bde.

Poetae christiani veteres. 1501-1504. 3 Bde.
€ 12,000 / $ 13,200
€ 19,200 / $ 21,120

( commissione inclusa)
Aldus. - Poetae christiani veteres. Prudentii poetae opera .. - Quae hoc libro continentur. Sedulii mirabilium divinorum libri .. - Aldus Romanus omnibus una cum graecis literis .. - 3 vols. With 2 woodcut printer's devices . Venice, Aldus Manutius, January 1501-June 1504. 18th century vellum with gilt lettering. 21,5 : 15,5 cm. 234 unnumb. ll.; 293 unnumb. ll.; 234 unnumb. ll.

Editio principes of the poems by Johannes Damascenus, Gregorius Nazianus and many other authors. Extremly rare and important collection of early Christian poets, texts partly in Greek and Latin. "Collection infiniment rare et précieuse" (Renouard). - In this print, at the end of the preliminaries of the second volume, Aldus used the famous Anchor and Dolphin printers' mark for the first time , "the most celebrated of all printers' marks" (Fletcher p. 43).
Partly minor waterstaining and minim. foxing, title of vol. 3 with ink trace (small spot eroded), few leaves with small wormtrace in the gutter, vol. 1 with three annotations by a 17th cent. hand, vol. 2 with some early marginalia. Later endpapers, bookplate and inscription of Jorge de Beristayn, dated 1928. Well-preserved and complete copy of this rare Aldus printing.

Renouard p. 24, 1 (extensively) as well as 39, 17 and 46, 4. - Aldine coll. Berlin 53, 54 and 136. - Adams P 1685 and G 1142.

Poetae christiani veteres. 1501-1504. 3 Bde.
€ 12,000 / $ 13,200
€ 19,200 / $ 21,120

( commissione inclusa)