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Albertus Magnus
De animalibus, 1519.
€ 1,000 / $ 1,100
€ 1,063 / $ 1,169

( commissione inclusa)
Albertus Magnus
De animalibus libri vigintisex novissime impressi. (Hrsg. von M. A. Zimara). Venedig, O. Scotus Erben 1519.

"One of the outstanding works of scientific interest written between the time of Pliny and the sixteenth century" (Stillwell).

"Includes descriptions of some fabulous creatures, but it also rejects many popular medieval myths and is especially noteworthy for its sections on reproduction and embryology" (DSB I, 102).

EINBAND: Flexibler Pergamentband d. Zt. Folio. 32 : 22 cm. - ILLUSTRATION: Mit Holzschnitt-Druckermarke am Ende und zahlreichen Holzschnitt-Initialen. - KOLLATION: 6 nn., 105 (recte 205) num. Bll. - ZUSTAND: Kopfsteg tls. etw. braun- oder wasserfleckig, ca. 40 Bll. mit Wurmspur in der ob. Ecke, Titel mit Namensstempel, Vorsätze entfernt. Kanten und Gelenke tls. mit kl. Läsuren.

LITERATUR: Index Aurel. 102.543. - Adams A 524. - BM STC, Italian Books S. 12. - Edit 16, CNCE 787. - Stillwell, Awakening 566 Anm.

Finely printed Venetian edition with numerous woodcut initials and woodcut printer's device at end. Contemp. limp vellum. - Upper margin partly somewhat brown- or waterstained, ca. 40 leaves with wormtrace in upper corner, stamped owner's name to title, endpapers removed. Joints and edges partially with small defective spots.(R)

Albertus Magnus
De animalibus, 1519.
€ 1,000 / $ 1,100
€ 1,063 / $ 1,169

( commissione inclusa)