Asta: 489 / Evening Sale del 07 giugno 2019 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 145

Ernst Wilhelm Nay
Frau mit Tieren, 1934/1939.
Oil on canvas, margins relined
€ 60,000 / $ 66,000
€ 337,500 / $ 371,250

( commissione inclusa)
Frau mit Tieren. 1934/1939.
Oil on canvas, margins relined.
Scheibler 256. Signed and dated in lower right. 110 x 87 cm (43.3 x 34.2 in).
The picture was originally executed in 1934/35 and modified in 1939.
Verso with a discarded and partly overpainted composition.
• Important painting from the group of the "Lofoten Pictures"
• Notable provenance and exhibition history
• Rare large-size nude from this period of creation
• Museum quality

PROVENANCE: Collection Reitzenstein-Seel, Berlin.
Collection Fänn and Willy Schniewind, Neviges/Düsseldorf.
Private collection USA.

EXHIBITION: E. W. Nay, Galerie Franz, Berlin, 1947, cat. no. 18 with illu.
E. W. Nay (Retrospektive). Ölbilder, Gouachen, Aquarelle, Zeichnungen, Druckgraphik, Haus am Waldsee, Berlin, May 17 - June 15, 1952, cat. no. 50.
E. W. Nay, Retrospective, Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen, Düsseldorf, January 9 - February 15, 1959, no. 24.
Willi Baumeister - Ernst Wilhelm Nay, Kunsthalle Basel, February 27 - March 27, 1960, cat. no. 81.
E. W. Nay, Württembergischer Kunstverein, Stuttgart, November 12 - Decemebr 25, 1966 (travelling exhibition Berlin, Mannheim), cat. no. 20, m. Illu. on p. 36.
E. W. Nay 1902-1968, Museum des Zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts, Vienna, April 15 - May 15, 1967, cat. no. 19, illu. on p. 11.
E. W. Nay, Bilder und Dokumente, Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nuremberg, March 29 - June 1, 1980 (travelling exhibition Haus der Kunst, Munich; Bayer-AG, Leverkusen; Wilhelm-Hack-Museum, Ludwigshafen; Neue Galerie, Kassel), cat. no. 13, illu. 31.

LITERATURE: Werner Haftmann, E. W. Nay, Cologne 1960, pp. 86f., illu. 18.
Die Welt, edition B, Hamburg, October 3, 1966, illu.
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Frankfurt a. M. April 10, 1968, illu. on p. 24.
Weltkunst, 50th year, issue 17, Munich, September 1, 1980, illu. on p. 2278.
Werner Haftmann, Verfemte Kunst, Cologne 1986, p. 358 with illu.

Ernst Wilhelm Nay
Frau mit Tieren, 1934/1939.
Oil on canvas, margins relined
€ 60,000 / $ 66,000
€ 337,500 / $ 371,250

( commissione inclusa)