Asta: 437 / Post War I del 10 dicembre 2016 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 806

Marino Marini
Cavallo e cavaliere a braccia aperte, 1949.
Tecnica mista
€ 60,000 / $ 66,000
€ 68,750 / $ 75,625

( commissione inclusa)
Cavallo e cavaliere a braccia aperte. 1949.
Mixed media on paper on canvas.
Lower right signed and dated. 49.8 x 33.8 cm (19.6 x 13.3 in).

PROVENANCE: Private collection Luxemburg.
Private collection Berlin (inherited from aforementioned in 2013).

Marino Marini's work is characterized by three repeated series of motifs, apart from the female nudes in form of the figure Pomona and the acrobats and dancers, the horse presumably is the most famous motif. "'Horse and Rider' must have had a very strong appeal to Marini, as they dominate his creation. [.] Apart from its symbolic value, the horse fascinates the artist with its characteristics: its appearance and the play of its muscles, its gracious motion and the fear it evokes when angry or in panic. The horse is subject of a number of excellent artworks, beginning with Paleolithic cave paintings [.]. When Marini chose the horse as his main theme he expressed a preference that is as old as art itself." (Quoter after: Patrick Waldberg and G. di San Lazzaro, Marino Marini. Leben und Werk, Frankfurt 1971, p. 12). The sublimity of horse and rider has been perfectly rendered in our wonderful work, particularly with regards to the contoured figures and the swift and intuitive line in the background. Marini reveals his mastery in narration through the reduction of the gist, bringing out the heart of the matter. [EL]

Marino Marini
Cavallo e cavaliere a braccia aperte, 1949.
Tecnica mista
€ 60,000 / $ 66,000
€ 68,750 / $ 75,625

( commissione inclusa)