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Wassily Kandinsky - Regards sur le passé. 1971.

Wassily Kandinsky
Regards sur le passé. 1971.
€ 2,000 / $ 2,200
€ 2,880 / $ 3,168

( commissione inclusa)
Kandinsky, W., Regards sur le passé. Traduction de G. Buffet-Picabia. With 10 (5 in colors) orig. woodcuts by W. Kandinsky as well as a separate Japan suite of the graphics. Paris, P. Belfond 1971. Loose sheets in orig. wrappers OU and petrol orig. cloth case. Folio.

Cahiers du Regard , no. V. - 1 of 20 Roman numb. copies of the edition "hors commerce", with the belonging suite on Japan, publisher's imprint signed by Nina Kandinsky (total print run 120). - Print of woodcuts from series Klänge (Roethel 73, 100, 106, 113, 124, 126-127, 134, 143 and 146) from the original printing blocks in possession of Nina Kandinsky. Printed on the press of Fequet & Baudier in Paris. - Case with 2 small stains, else fine, clean and broad-margined print on creme Vélin d'Arches.

1 of 30 numb. copies, lacking the suite on japon, publisher's imprint signed by Nina Kandinsky (total run 120). With 10 (5 col.) orig. woodcuts by W. Kandinsky. Lose sheets in orig. wrappers and orig. cloth case. - Case with 2 small stains, altogether fine clean and wide-margined copy.

Wassily Kandinsky
Regards sur le passé. 1971.
€ 2,000 / $ 2,200
€ 2,880 / $ 3,168

( commissione inclusa)